
The following are examples of using PyPixel

Getting a Player

# Import the Module
import PyPixel
# Importing asyncio so we can call coroutines
import asyncio

# Initialize the Hypixel class
hypixel = PyPixel.Hypixel(api_key="API Key")

async def main():
    # Get tha player's UUID
    uuid = await hypixel.get_uuid('awsomo28')
    # Get the player
    player = await hypixel.get_player(uuid)
    # Prints the player's rank

# run the above coroutine
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Getting a Player’s SkyBlock Profiles

# Import the Module
import PyPixel
# Importing asyncio so we can call coroutines
import asyncio

# Initialize the Hypixel class
hypixel = PyPixel.Hypixel(api_key="API Key")

async def main():
    # Get the player's UUId
    uuid = await hypixel.get_uuid('Jacktheguy')
    # Get their profiles from the API.
    profiles = await hypixel.get_profiles(uuid)
    # Print their profile's names
    print([str(profile) for profile in profiles]])

# run the above coroutine
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Using PyPixel.utils

# import the utils module
import PyPixel.utils

# print out the level you get for 777 xp

Adding Examples

If you wish to add another example, just make a pull request, I really don’t mind.